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About Us

Executive Coaching

Congratulations! if you are reading this, then you are ready for change, ready to close the gap between what you have and what you want, whether that is in building a stronger more innovative business strategy, or stronger transformative mind strategy, you have come to the right place. Stop going around in circles, start prioritising you, your development and your organisations growth.


Start now, because this moment is all you have. 


The highest intent behind the creation of MAK Executive is to contribute to transforming thinking and being, impacting individuals and organisations as a whole. The transformation from a current way of being and doing in the world, to a new more conscious approach, whether that be as a leader, in relating with others, or an organisational design and strategy.



We are a boutique consulting, coaching and training company here to facilitate growth with organisations and individuals who are ambitious, successful and yet want more. We facilitate movement, and transformation in steps and strides.


We bring the work of the most leading edge technologies spanning human development, psychology, neurosemantics, integral theory and more to the world today. We are the bridge between traditional values of success and transcend and include to a more integrated holistic way of being and doing.


Executive Coaching
Executive Coaching

As the founder of MAK Executive, my biggest “why”, is to support the growth of others personally and professionally so that they can make their biggest and best difference in the world. The reason I have chosen this path is, it sparks my deepest meaning and intent. For my entire career I have witnessed and experienced the struggles of individuals pushing against the currents of an organisation, all with their own values, perspectives, knowledge and skill. Exploring the deepest intent in all, is value, respect, acknowledgement and making a difference.


The purpose of MAK Executive is to facilitate and enable true generative change in individuals and organisations. Within this, is the opportunity to create a domino, changing the world a mind at a time effectively impacting directly and then indirectly a multitude of lives to provide the ultimate goal of FREEDOM and evolution. Freedom to be. With this freedom is the power to be ones best, unleash potential, and unlock the peace within each of us.                                           




Mary-Anne Scott





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