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What our clients say 

Here is what our clients say about their experience with one of our services across coaching, mentoring, consulting or training.

“I embarked on this Integral Coaching journey with Mary-Anne after having had other coaching and mentoring experiences over the years with various designs and successes, and as this methodology was new to me, I certainly had a curiosity as she presented the opportunity to work with me.


The first thing I will say is that if you truly commit to this path and engage with it, it will bring a very different, more profound change that any of the coaching or mentoring programs that I have been a part of before. There lies an important message, it is exhaustive, personal and therefore at times uncomfortable, but always meaningful.


If you are prepared to face into these states wholeheartedly it enables an unusual insight into yourself and the building of life changing habits that will test your will for the better. It starts with the identification of a really meaningful change in your life, not one of those you commit to because it is a work program you have to do, and sticking with it through everything Mary Anne will throw at you, ease you into, or simply offer you, you will know why you are going through the steps.


Mary Anne is a gifted coach who can call you out when you're offline or pretending, tease out your true thoughts and offer your perspective to cement a new reality. She also adapts her pace to you and therefore customize the program entirely to suit you. I found the experience rewarding and unique and would recommend to anyone ....... anyone who truly wants transformational change.”


Nicolas Georges, Director, Food and Agriculture Innovation, Practice Professor

Monash University

When you find a coach that explores your world with curiosity, and also keeps your feet to the fire, you have found someone special. Mary-Anne is such a coach. She has deep expertise across the leading coaching frameworks available today, which is one of my most important factors in choice of coach. Mary-Anne has coached me over a series of sessions with topics ranging from strategic insight to generative change. Her unique style weaves conversations and questions together like no other – invitations to decisive moments of clarity, action and change". 


NH, Senior Manager, Victorian Public Sector

From the moment we began coaching, there was rapport. Mary-Anne's unwavering and determined hunger for learning, self-actualisation and excellence is one of the reasons she is such a great coach. She is compassionate, yet adept at slicing through 'fantasies' to the truth of the matter. She has often been able to ask questions that have enabled me to unlock some of the highest levels of meaning I have held, enabling a more resourceful way of thinking and being.

After our sessions, I felt inspired, focused and more equipped to tackle a project, challenge or personal goal.
Her commitment to the coaching space is such that even though I live in South Africa and she in Australia, with a 9-hour time difference, if I needed support she would make the time to be there for me.

The world could use more coaches like Mary-Anne. Only agree to coaching with her if you want to experience real change, care and ruthlessly compassionate support in achieving your goals, dreams and desires".

Bonita Nuttall, Meta-NLP and Neuro Semantics Master Practitioner

Speaker, Trainer & Coach, Auckland New Zealand.

"Meeting Mary-Anne has been an enjoyable growth experience.  As a coach Mary-Anne creates  a space for deep self-exploration and through her supported guidance she elicits emotions that go to the heart of the matter.  With a compassionate and curious coaching style she is non-judgmental and facilitates truthfulness which inevitably leads to the wonderful unravelling of your most amazing potential and growth.  I recommend Mary-Anne as coach - be prepared to be true to yourself, to uncover your greatest potential and to take action with intention".


Kelly T Management Consultant, Private Sector, Melbourne Australia.


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