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Concious & Mindful Communication Skills 101 

1 Day Interactive Workshop - Now OPEN! 

Conscious and Mindful Communication


Public Programs



Corporate Programs by demand

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Suite 305

87 Gladstone Street

South Melbourne  3205


Investment: Book 2 @ $550 each ticket. Early Bird $641 

Standard price $740

YOU are Invited!

Your Invitation to attend this 1 day Interactive workshop. Learn the matrix of how you create your reality and how that impacts how you listen to and communicate with yourself and others. This is no ordinary “Communications Course”, we go past the traditional skill and go deeper for greater impact.


By the end of this course, you will enact a higher level of "Conscious & Mindful Communication" improving your interpersonal skills with others and self. At MAK Executive we bring science and theory into practice, we not only train, we facilitate and coach so that you receive an individualised experience. We believe in closing the “knowing-doing gap” so you get the knowledge, skill and the full experience to do!


Your investment includes:

  • 1 x 1 Day live interactive training, with morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea provided.

  • 1 x Workbook covering all the theory and practical exercises so you keep learning beyond the classroom.

  • 1 x Complimentary 50 min strategy coaching session with a world-class Executive and Transformational Integral Meta-Coach (worth $300).

  • Parking is available on the street and weekends are free!

Why Conscious & Mindful Communication?

As human beings, we never stop communicating. We communicate with our words, our voice, the tone, volume and projection, with our bodies, our eyes and face, our stance and gestures, and with our energy, our emotions and state. We outwardly will speak over 870 million words in our lifetime! Now imagine how many words we say to our selves added on top of that?


Lets first break down the meaning of the words “Consciousness” and “Mindfulness” as we then apply this to the skill of communication.


Consciousness is what allows us to be conscious of anything, and every waking moment in life. With out consciousness there is nothing - just complete emptiness.  Our “Conscious” mind is logical, rational and analytical, while our “Sub-conscious” mind is illogical, irrational and non-analytical. We are only fully conscious when “self” comes to mind.


Mindfulness is a particular degree and strength of awareness, this gives you a sense of being in charge of your mind. It provides the clarity and presence in the moment to “choose” and “focus” your thoughts and direct your energy.


It is not enough to simply bring “consciousness” (awareness) of how you communicate, we need “mindfulness” to take it to the next level, to become present in the moment to change and shift our own way, to break free from our habitual patterns, to not be “had” by the environment, and have the freedom to choose our response. That is “Conscious and Mindful Communication”.

How is this course different to other Communications Skills courses?

We use leading edge technologies, and interactive learning, so that you not only get the "knowing", you also begin the "doing" and start to create the new habit which will bring about long lasting change! 


This is no ordinary “Communications Course”, we go past the traditional skill and go deeper for greater impact. We take the “inside out approach” to communication.


We bring awareness to our natural communication style and that of others, seeing the paradox of communication.

  • We have built this program using international world class leading edge technologies in neuro-semantics, neuro-linguistic communication model, integral theory, together with practical everyday techniques and exercises.

  • We start with YOU, understanding what and how you communicate with YOU, then others.

  • We go DEEP to the layers and matrix to how you perceive the world and make meaning.

  • You will leave with a understanding of your internal MAP that you unconsciously use everyday to communicate with yourself and others.

  • We share the theory, application and you get to try it on so you get the EXPERIENCE of the theory not just the knowledge.

  • We offer you a complimentary STRATEGY COACHING session for a personal experience.

  • We limit our CLASS SIZE for greater impact and a more personalised experience.

  • We give you ongoing SUPPORT to take your learning to the next level.

Program Overview. What will you cover?

Module 1: The Meta Model.

Understanding of the way we each communicate and create meaning in the world.


Module 2: Perceptual Filters The 10 Filters.

Understanding the filters that impact and impeded our own and others ability to “hear, see, and feel” what we communicate. Practical techniques for how to break our perceptual “habits and obstacles to listening” to expand our awareness.


Module 3: Consciousness External Body Language.

Experience the impact of body language “the non-verbal” communications skills, how to read and respond the to the unsaid.


Module 4: Managing States Introduction to Emotional Intelligence.

Learn how to create emotional state awareness and change the course of your response. Create multiple “states” for effective listening and being present. 


Module 5: Mindful Conversations.

Putting it altogether with Meaningful Questioning and Conscious Listening Skills. Introduction to Perspective Taking Skills.


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